Click on the button below to download a membership form.
Print it off.
Fill it in ( remembering to get two current members to propose and second your application)
Pop it in a stamped envelope to:
The Secretary,
Woodlands Club
Doncaster Road
South Yorkshire
S65 1NN
The Woodlands club is a private members club,
membership is easy to attain. You need to know two people who are already members to propose and second your application (any applications made without this will not be considered).
Fill out the downloadable form below clearley and legible.
Wait up to 28 days for a call from our committee.
Come in and have an induction and receive your personalised membership card.
Pay the membership fee (pro-rata for the year) and one off joining fee (currently £5).
Come and enjoy our wonderfull club, its garden and fantastic staff.